Pavtube ByteCopy Multilingual
Pavtube ByteCopy adalah alat terbaik untuk rip dan mengkonversi film/DVD Blu-ray ke format MKV dengan beberapa track audio dan sincluded subtitle. Selain mempertahankan beberapa track audio dan beberapa sub judul dalam sebuah video MKV tanpa transcoding dan kehilangan kualitas, Pavtube ByteCopy juga mampu mengkodekan soundtrack asli ke chanel 5.1 dengan bahasa yang anda inginkan. Ia menyimpan penanda bab file MKV yang dikonversi. selain itu, Anda juga dapat backup dan mengkonversi Blu-ray dan film DVD ke format lain seperti MP4 / MOV , M4V, AVI, WMV, MPG, M2TS, dll dengan audio multi-track untuk pemutaran pada iOS / Android / Windows tablet / Telepon, HD Media Players (WDTV), perangkat lunak editing (Avid Media Composer, Adobe Premiere, dll), dan banyak lagi.
Preserve multiple audio tracks and subtitles
When converting Blu-ray/DVD to MKV container format, you are free to select all of your needed tracks and subs to be preserved in the output MKV/MP4/MOV file.
Keep the chapter structure in a converted movie title
Pavtube ByteCopy enables users to preserve chapter markers when ripping Blu-ray/DVD to MKV, so you may select your wanted chapter to play with your media players.
Lossless output
Once you choose lossless MKV in Multi-track Video category, Pavtube ByteCopy will directly package Blu-ray or DVD movies into MKV container format without any quality loss.
Offer optimized presets for different HD Media Players
Pavtube ByteCopy offers optimized options for almost all popular HD media players, like WD TV Live, WD TV Live Plus, WD TV Live Hub, Popcorn Hour C-200, Popcorn Hour A-200, Popcorn Hour A-210, Seagate FreeAgent Theater +, Netgear NeoTV, LaCinema Classic HD, TViX Slim S1, ViewSonic VMP7, Xtreamer Pro, FANTEC P2700 HDD Media Player, Dune BD Prime 3.0 and more.
Provide best settings for iOS/Android/Windows Tablets/Phones
In Format menu, it has presets for all kinds of formats and devices including iPad, iPhone, Apple TV, Samsung Galaxy Tab, Google Nexus 4/7/10, Kindle Fire HD, Microsoft Surface Pro/RT, and more.
SIZE : 59.7 MB
Pavtube ByteCopy Multilingual
Pavtube ByteCopy Multilingual
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Pavtube ByteCopy Multilingual
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