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Windows Repair Toolbox + Portable

Windows Repair Toolbox + Portable

Windows Repair Toolbox adalah aplikasi freeware yang dibuat untuk membantu Anda memperbaiki sistem pada Windows, dan membuat proses lebih cepat, lebih mudah dan seragam.

anda dapat mendownload software ini ke situs resminya atau dapat juga anda mendownload melalui link di bawah ini, aplikasi ini tidak di butuhkan sebuah keygen, crack, patch atau serial atau sejenis-nya karena software ini gratis, namun fitur-fitur software ini tidak kalah hebat dari software yang berbayar.

Windows Repair Toolbox + PortableFeatures:

  • Download and run "on-the-fly" the best free portable software when it comes to diagnose and solve several kinds of Windows problems. The tools are categorized by their function, and the program will automatically download the correct version for the Windows edition in which you're working. When you finish, simply uninstall the tool, and all downloaded software it's also removed.
  • Note: there are 3 tools that aren't portable, those are marked with an [ i ] (stands for "installer");
  • Displays relevant information about the computer to be repaired: CPU temperature, name and % of use; amount of RAM installed on the system and % of use; amount of free space left in C:\ partition; Windows edition and install date.
  • Allows you to perform quality assurance tests after the repair is complete;
  • Allows you to save notes about the repair process;
  • Provides 1-click access to some useful Windows tools (chkdsk, sfc, regedit, msconfig);
  • "Unattended fix" option, automatically performs: malware removal, system cleaning and repair and disk defragmentation. A email letting you know that the automatic repair is complete, and containing the logs, can be sent to you. 


SIZE : 4.0 MB


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Windows Repair Toolbox + Portable

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